Biology Cell Basics Online Exam Quiz

Biology Cell Basics GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Biology Cell Basics. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Biology Cell Basics

Energy for the transport of particles through active mode is derived from _______




C : Glucose

D : Lactic acids

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Which among the following is incorrect about cell wall?


A : Cell wall provides mechanical supports and avoids rupture of cell in a hypotonic solution

B : Plasmodesmata are protein granules in the cell wall that provides mechanical support

C : Cell wall prevents the cell from invasion and injury

D : Cell wall is entirely permeable and rigid

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Which among the following is incorrect about types of cells?


A : In a prokaryotic cell membrane-bound organelles are absent

B : Monera is an example of prokaryotic cell

C : Eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound organelles

D : Prokaryotic cells contain either RNA or DNA

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Which among the following statements is incorrect about plasma membrane?


A : Plasma membrane is a selectively permeable membrane and allows only those particles that protect the cell

B : Movement of air and water takes place through diffusion and osmosis respectively

C : Osmosis and diffusion are examples of active transport

D : Active transport takes place through use of energy

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Which among the following is incorrect about the structure of plasma membrane?


A : Plasma membrane is made of lipids and proteins

B : Lipids with hydrophobic and hydrophilic end are called amphipathic lipids

C : The plasma membrane is a lipid bilayer membrane

D : The proteins that are present on the surface of the plasma membrane are called integral proteins

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Which among the following is incorrect about fluid mosaic model?


A : Plasma membrane was coined by Singer and Nicholson to be a fluid mosaic model

B : According to this model, the proteins are dispersed randomly on the surface and the interior of the plasma membrane

C : The word fluid in this model refers to the fluid flexible nature of the plasma membrane

D : The model fails to explain the cell growth and cell division

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Which among the following is incorrect about the major discoveries in the history of cell?


A : Robert brown made the most major contribution to the history of cell by discovering nucleus

B : Cell theory was developed by Schleiden and Schwann

C : Virchow introduced the concept that genetic material is present inside the nucleus

D : Robert Hooke discovered cell in 1665

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Which among the following is incorrect about different types of cells?


A : Size and shape of the cells vary with the functions they perform

B : In unicellular organism a single cell constitutes the entire organism

C : The components in all eukaryotic cells are more/less the same

D : Centrioles are present in plant cells but absent in animal cells

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Which among the following is incorrect about the layers of the cell wall?


A : The cell wall is made of three main layers, namely, primary cell wall, secondary cell wall and middle lamella

B : Cell wall of a young plant is made of primary cell which composes a loose network of cellulose microfibrils

C : Secondary cell wall forms as the cell matures and composes cellulose and lignin

D : Middle lamella separates cells and is composed of sodium acetate

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Active transport requires energy to transport particles from lower concentration to higher concentration.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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