Biology Biotechnology Applications Transgenic Animals 1 Online Exam Quiz

Biology Biotechnology Applications Transgenic Animals 1 GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Biology Biotechnology Applications Transgenic Animals 1. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Biology Biotechnology Applications Transgenic Animals 1

Transgenic models exist for ________ disease.


A : cough

B : pneumonia

C : rheumatoid arthritis

D : influenza

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Transgenic animals are design to _______ our understanding of the role of genes disease.


A : decrease

B : increase

C : similar

D : equalize

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Today transgenic model exist for disease like ______


A : fatigue

B : influenza

C : Alzheimer’s

D : pneumonia

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Transgenic animals are used to study what is the function of ______ gene.


A : foreign

B : regular

C : same

D : old

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Transgenic animals have ______


A : foreign protein

B : foreign gene

C : foreign lipid

D : foreign amino acid

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Transgenic animals serve as ______ for human for better understanding of genes and their functions.


A : probe

B : clone

C : model

D : organism

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Transgenic animals can be designed to study the change in _______


A : serum

B : urine

C : gene

D : saliva

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95% transgenic animals are ______


A : sheep

B : rabbits

C : pigs

D : mice

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Animals that have had their DNA manipulated to possess and express an extra (foreign) gene are known as ______


A : transgenic animals

B : animals

C : infected animals

D : Bt animals

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By studying the effects of gene one can tell ______ role of a gene in the body.


A : chemical

B : biological

C : psychological

D : physiological

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