Bioinformatics Gene Prediction Eukaryotes Online Exam Quiz

Bioinformatics Gene Prediction Eukaryotes GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Bioinformatics Gene Prediction Eukaryotes. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Bioinformatics Gene Prediction Eukaryotes

Which of the following is untrue about PredictionUsing NeuralNetworks for Gene Prediction?


A : A neural network is a statistical model with a special architecture for pattern recognition and classification

B : It is composed of a network of mathematical variables

C : They resembles ab initio approaches

D : The variables in NeuralNetworks resemble the biological nervous system, with variables or nodes connected by weighted functions that are analogous to synapses

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Which of the following is untrue about Prediction Using Neural Networks for Gene Prediction?


A : A neural network is constructed with multiple layers; the input, output, and hidden layers

B : The input is the gene sequence with intron and exon signals

C : The model is not fed with a sequence of known gene structure

D : The output is the probability of an exon structure

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Most vertebrate genes use __________ as the translation start codon and have a uniquely conserved flanking sequence call a Kozak sequence (CCGCCATGG).






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Which of the following is untrue?


A : Eukaryotic nuclear genomes are much larger than prokaryotic ones

B : They tend to have a very high gene density

C : Eukaryotic nuclear genomes’ sizes range from 10 Mbp to 670 Gbp (1 Gbp = 109 bp)

D : They tend to have a very high gene density

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Which of the following is untrue about Prediction Using Discriminant Analysis for Gene Prediction?


A : QDA draws a curved line based on a quadratic function

B : LDA works by drawing a diagonal line that best separates coding signals from noncoding signals based on knowledge learned from training data sets of known gene structures

C : Some gene prediction algorithms rely on discriminant analysis, either LDA or quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), to improve accuracy

D : LDA works by plotting a three-dimensional graph of coding signals versus all potential 3’ splice site positions

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Which of the following is untrue about translation and transcription?


A : The first is capping is at the 5’ end of the transcript which involves methylation at the initial residue of the RNA

B : The splicing process involves a large RNA-protein complex called spliceosome

C : The second event is splicing, which is the process of removing exons and joining introns

D : The second event is splicing, which is the process of removing introns and joining exons

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Which of the following is untrue about Ab Initio–Based Programs for Gene Prediction?


A : The goal of the ab initio gene prediction programs is to discriminate exons from noncoding sequences

B : The goal is joining exons together in the correct order

C : The main difficulty is correct identification of exons

D : To predict exons, the algorithms rely solely on gene signals

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GRAIL is a web-based program that is based on a neural network algorithm Which is trained on several statistical features such as splice junctions, start and stop codons, poly-A sites, promoters, and CpG islands.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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In Ab Initio–Based Programs for Gene Prediction– Gene content refers to coding statistics, which includes nonrandom nucleotide distribution, amino acid distribution, synonymous codon usage, and hexamer frequencies.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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The main issue in prediction of eukaryotic genes is the identification of exons, introns, and splicing sites.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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