Biochemistry Quiz Online Exam Quiz

Biochemistry Quiz GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Biochemistry Quiz. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Biochemistry Quiz

Which of the following bacterium is used for gene transfer in plants?


A : Agrobacterium

B : Azatobacter

C : Rhizobium

D : Ecoli

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Glucose is added to the tissue culture media as a/an __________


A : Carbon source

B : Growth regulator

C : Solidifying agent

D : Antibiotic

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Dolly, the first animal produced by cloning is a __________


A : Cow

B : Sheep

C : Rat

D : Dog

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Explant can be a __________


A : Cut part of the plant used in tissue culture

B : Plant extract used in tissue culture

C : Source of growth regulators added to media

D : Solidifying agent

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Transgenic organisms are generally __________


A : Extinct organisms

B : Naturally occurring and endemic

C : Produced by traditional plant breeding technique

D : Produced by gene transfer technology

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Rauolfia serpentine, to save this plant under the threat of extinction, which of the following techniques is useful?


A : Genetic engineering

B : In vitro culture

C : DNA fingerprinting

D : Hybridoma technology

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Production of a large number of genetically similar plants through plant tissue culture is called __________


A : Recombinant DNA technology

B : Gene therapy

C : Micro propagation

D : Hybridoma technology

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Gene therapy is a technique preferred to cure inherited diseases by __________


A : Repairing the faulty gene

B : Introducing the correct copy of the gene

C : Adding new cells to the body


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Meristem culture helps in developing which of the following?


A : Tall plants

B : Disease resistant plants

C : Virus free plants

D : Hybrid plants

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Which of the following is used to transfer genes in plants?


A : Ti plasmid

B : pBR 322

C : EcorI

D : pUC 18

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