Biochemistry Bioenergetics Thermodynamics Online Exam Quiz

Biochemistry Bioenergetics Thermodynamics GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Biochemistry Bioenergetics Thermodynamics. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Biochemistry Bioenergetics Thermodynamics

What is the relationship between ?G and ?G‘°?


A : ?G = ?G‘° + RTln([products]/[reactants])

B : ?G = ?G‘° – RTln([products]/[reactants])

C : ?G = ?G‘° + RTln([reactants]/[products])

D : ?G = ?G‘° – RTln([reactants]/[products])

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The relationship between K‘eq and ?G‘° is?


A : ?G‘° = RTlnK‘eq

B : ?G‘° = -RTK‘eq

C : ?G‘° = RK‘eq

D : ?G‘° = -RK‘eq

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The study of energy relationships and conversions in biological systems is called as ____________


A : Biophysics

B : Biotechnology

C : Bioenergetics

D : Microbiology

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What does first law of thermodynamics state?


A : Energy can neither be destroyed nor created

B : Energy cannot be 100 percent efficiently transformed from one type to another

C : All living organisms are composed of cells

D : Input of heat energy increases the rate of movement of atoms and molecules

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Unfolding of regular secondary protein structure causes ____________


A : Large decrease in the entropy of the protein

B : Little increase in the entropy of protein

C : No change in the entropy of the protein

D : Large increase in the entropy of the protein

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?G° is defined as the ____________


A : Residual energy present in the reactants at equilibrium

B : Residual energy present in the products at equilibrium

C : Difference in the residual energy of reactants and products at equilibrium

D : Energy required in converting one mole of reactants to one mole of products

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If enthalpy change for a reaction is zero, then ?G° equals to _____________


A : -T?S°

B : T?S°

C : -?H°

D : lnkeq

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For a reaction if ?G° is positive, then ____________


A : The products will be favored

B : The reactants will be favored

C : The concentration of the reactants and products will be equal

D : All of the reactant will be converted to products

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If ?G‘° of the reaction A ? B is -40kJ/mol under standard conditions then the reaction ____________


A : Will never reach equilibrium

B : Will not occur spontaneously

C : Will proceed at a rapid rate

D : Will proceed from left to right spontaneously

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