Basic Electrical Engineering Online Quiz Online Exam Quiz

Basic Electrical Engineering Online Quiz GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Basic Electrical Engineering Online Quiz. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Basic Electrical Engineering Online Quiz

Calculate the number of turns in an inductor with a ferromagnetic core when the inductance is 4000 H, the current changes from 5A to 7A and the flux changes from 760 to 800 Wb.


A : 100

B : 200

C : 300

D : 400

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Calculate the initial current in an inductor having inductance 4000 H, number of turns is 200 and the flux changes from 760 to 800 Wb. Current changes to 7A.


A : 10A

B : 2A

C : 3A

D : 5A

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Calculate the change in flux of an inductor having inductance 4000 H, number of turns is 200 and the current changes from 5A to 7A.


A : 20 Wb

B : 40 Wb

C : 60 Wb

D : 80 Wb

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Calculate the final flux in an inductor having inductance 4000 H, number of turns is 200 and the current changes from 5A to 7A. The initial flux is 760 Wb.


A : 200 Wb

B : 400 Wb

C : 600 Wb

D : 800 Wb

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Calculate the change in current in an inductor having inductance 4000H, number of turns is 200 and the flux changes from 760 to 800 Wb.


A : 2A

B : 4A

C : 6A

D : 8A

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A laminated steel ring is wound with 200 turns. When the magnetizing current varies between 5 and 7 A, the magnetic flux varies between 760 and 800 Wb. Calculate the inductance of the coil.


A : 40H

B : 4 H

C : 4000H

D : 0.004 H

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What is the relation between the flux and the magnetizing current when a ferromagnetic core is introduced within the inductor?


A : Directly proportional

B : Inversely proportional

C : Not proportional

D : Current is double of flux

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What happens to the effective inductance when a ferromagnetic core is introduced?


A : Increases

B : Decreases

C : Remains the same

D : Becomes zero

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When a ferromagnetic core is inserted into an inductor, what happens to the flux linkage?


A : Increases

B : Decreases

C : Remains the same

D : Becomes zero

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What happens to the current when a ferromagnetic material is introduced within an inductor?


A : Increases

B : Decreases

C : Remains the same

D : Becomes zero

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