Automata Theory Quiz Online Exam Quiz

Automata Theory Quiz GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Automata Theory Quiz. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Automata Theory Quiz

Which of the following represents a language which has no pair of consecutive 1’s if ?= {0,1}?


A : (0+10)*(1+?)

B : (0+10)*(1+?)*

C : (0+101)*(0+?)

D : (1+010)*(1+?)

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(a + b*c) most correctly represents:


A : (a +b) *c

B : (a)+((b)*.c)

C : (a + (b*)).c

D : a+ ((b*).c)

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The given NFA represents which of the following NFA


A : (ab U a) *

B : (a*b* U a*)

C : (ab U a*)

D : (ab)* U a*

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Which of the following regular expressions represents the set of strings which do not contain a substring ‘rt’ if ?= {r, t}


A : (rt)*

B : (tr)*

C : (r*t*)

D : (t*r*)

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According to the precedence rules, x-y-z is equivalent to which of the following?


A : (x-y)-z

B : x-(y-z)

C : Both (x-y)-z and x-(y-z)

D : None of the mentioned

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Let for ?= {0,1} R= (???) *, the language of R would be


A : {w | w is a string of odd length}

B : {w | w is a string of length multiple of 3}

C : {w | w is a string of length 3}

D : All of the mentioned

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The finite automata accept the following languages:


A : Context Free Languages

B : Context Sensitive Languages

C : Regular Languages

D : All the mentioned

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Dot operator in regular expression resembles which of the following?


A : Expressions are juxtaposed

B : Expressions are multiplied

C : Cross operation

D : None of the mentioned

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The appropriate precedence order of operations over a Regular Language is


A : Kleene, Union, Concatenate

B : Kleene, Star, Union

C : Kleene, Dot, Union

D : Star, Union, Dot

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Regular Expression R and the language it describes can be represented as:


A : R, R(L)

B : L(R), R(L)

C : R, L(R)

D : All of the mentioned

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