Question: The percentage of carbondioxide in the bio methane is __


A : 30-40

B : 32-43

C : 35-45

D : 55-60

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Biomass and Biofuel - 1 more questions

The bio ethanol is subjected to rectification to remove ___

The bio ethanol obtained in the fermentation process has __....

The Bomb calorimeter is used to determine the calorific value....

The by-products that are produced during rectification of bio ethanol....

The calorific value of LPG is generally ___ than that....

The production of bio ethanol is by fermenting the ___....

The term biomass most often refers to ___

To calculate HCV of the fuel, the products of combustion....

To calculate the net calorific value, the products are ___

To make transport fuel the bio ethanol is blended with....

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