Question: Which of the following is the correct way to find out the index of the second 's' in the string "She sells sea shells on the sea-shore" ?


A : String str = "She sells sea shells on the sea-shore" ; int i; i = str.SecondIndexOf( "s" );

B : String str = "She sells sea shells on the sea-shore" ; int i, j; i = str.FirstIndexOf( "s" ); j = str.IndexOf( "s" , i + 1 );

C : String str = "She sells sea shells on the sea-shore" ; int i, j; i = str.IndexOf( "s" ); j = str.IndexOf( "s" , i + 1 );

D : String str = "She sells sea shells on the sea-shore" ; int i, j; i = str.LastIndexOf( "s" ); j = str.IndexOf( "s" , i - 1 );

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